This weekend

One of Bertito's friends at work Tony was nice enough to lend us his digital camera for Kairi's trip to Magic Kingdom. So by the time we got there, I looked in my diaper bag and realized that I left it at home!!!!! I thought Bertito grabbed it and of course he thought that I grabbed it... so do we have bad camera luck or what?! We got to Magic Kingdom and bought a disposable, for like a million dollars, when you can buy the same one anywhere else and it would be like $6. Horrible! I got my cast member discount, but it was still expensive. We decided we were just going to walk around the park, we thought we couldn't get on anything obviously because of Kairi. But Disney has this thing called Parent Swap, or something like that. It's where we go to the back of the ride, I get on the ride while Bertito stays with Kairi, and then he goes while I stay with her. I have wanted to get on Pirates of the Caribbean since they redid it with Johnny Depp, so we went there and I asked the lady at the front of the ride if they did the Parent Swap thing. She said, "NOPE! Cause the baby can go on it. As long as she's bigger than Tinkerbell, she can ride." So... Kairi's first ride she ever went on was Pirates of the Caribbean. I wonder if there's a spot for that in her baby book? hahaha The best part was Kairi was so awake and interested in the ride. She was looking at all of the characters, and following everything with her eyes, when you would think most babies would be scared. After that, we just walked around the park, looking in the stores for anything cute for Kairi and ended up behind Cinderella's castle at the Winnie the Pooh playground. We wheeled her through it in her stroller, but she was asleep the whole time... lol. Across the way from the playground is a Winnie the Pooh ride which is brand new. We knew Kairi was asleep and she was not going to know what was going on, but we decided to take her on it anyways. She did sleep the whole way. Oh well. After that, we went to Toon Town and went through Minnie Mouse's house. She was asleep for that too. Finally we made our way back to the Crystal Palace, and went in to eat. First Kairi took her picture with Piglet, she was a little sleepy for that. Next, she met Eeyore. He kissed her, it was so cute and she was fully awake and very intrigued. Next was Tigger, and then Pooh. She was the most interested in Pooh bear. There is a time when he dances around the restaurant singing with the kids in the place who have a birthday. Kairi loved that. She followed him all around the room with her eyes and actually smiled. SHE LOVES POOH!!! I will have pictures when I get the pictures developed and put on a CD.
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