My bad!
Judging from the email I got this morning, I guess I will have to keep my blog going. I guess I never thought about that, you not being a big poster... sorry. I will keep the blog going, if not for anyone else, just for you. You are too far away to see Kairi and you need to be updated on her, Titi.
So Kairi news of the day: SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT LAST NIGHT!!!!! Well, since I have been back to work for the past couple of days in the evening, as soon as I leave, Kairi gets a little fussy for Bertito. Someone at his job suggested that he swaddle her really tight and put her in a swing or something. So he tried it last night, and she behaved like a perfect angel all night. So when I got home from work, she was having a feeding, and Bertito and I talked about leaving her swaddled for the night because it kept her calm. So we went to bed at about 11, and when I heard her fussing to be fed, it was 5 am!!! When we first brought her home, she was waking every 2 hours. I got it spread out to every 4 hours. Now 6 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep is just heavenly!!! Hopefully this swaddling will continue to work.
At 3:20 PM,
quemalajuliana said…
I want to clarify, this picture of her is NOT swaddling. It actually looks like she's a mummy when she's swaddled. This is a picture of her taking a nap with me right by her side.
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