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The life and times of Julie Vazquez...

Friday, June 23, 2006

30 Week Belly

This is my belly as of yesterday, 30 weeks. Not very big huh? I'm thinking that I'm going to have a cat or something... too small to be a real baby. And I've only got a month and a half to go! Tomorrow is my big baby shower at my mother in laws, I'm so excited! My belly button is popping out like that tester on a turkey. That means I'm almost done cooking! My mom, dad and uncle are down visiting right now. I sent them off to Sea World for the day, but my mom can not believe that I'm still wearing jeans with zippers! I guess I'm having a good pregnancy now, GOOD, that makes up for the first 5 months of constant vomit!!!! Tonight I'm finally going to see Giselle, it's going to be the first time since the wedding! She just graduated law school, I'm so proud of her! Mash, CONGRATS!!!! This means everyone who doesn't want a baby, stay away from rubbing my belly!!!!


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