Here is a picture of when Amy came to visit me and Kairi right when she came home for the hospital. I look at these almost 2 month old pictures, and I can NOT believe how much she has grown over such a short period of time. She looks like a little Cabbage Patch Kid in this little dress, that does not even fit her anymore by the way. None of her preemie clothes fit anymore. She is now up to the Newborn size... not quite big enough for the clothes that are 0-3 months. It's amazing how fast time goes, and how big she has gotten... it makes me a little depressed when I think that time is going to keep going faster and faster as she gets older. Time slows for no one. Before I know it Kairi's going to be walking, talking, going to school... and I'll be getting old too the whole time. I can't believe I graduated high school 8 years ago now, and in a few more months, it will be 10 years that I've loved Bertito! My my, where has the time gone?
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