More babies!

My friend Breenie had her baby boy yesterday! He's so cute from the pictures I've seen. He was almost full term and a little over 6 pounds. I can't help but selfishly think that if I was still in Maryland, Kairi could have had a play date! I don't know ANYONE with a baby here! It stinks! Plus Mash is having her baby girl soon too, and she would be a good play date for Kairi too! I guess I need to network or something to find other babies her age with decent parents. Oh well, yesterday I went to my celebratory luncheon for the top sales at work. I hate to be such a complainer, but it really sucked! I mean the food was just awful. I mean, you make ALL this money for a company and they want to throw something special for the people who do this, they could have done so much better. They had nothing to drink there but water and ice tea. Nothing else. Not even COKE! How pathetic is that? There was a small salad and the entree was the tiniest piece of chicken I have ever seen in my life with mashed sweet potatoes (ICK!) and like 5 green beans and a couple of thin slices of carrot! The desert was the only decent part. I feel like it was a complete waste to go. Although, Titi Susan watched Kairi, which is good because she will get to know someone else other than me and Bertito and not be scared of other people like some kids we know... Tonight is the Halloween party at Magic Kingdom. Last night, I made a headband for Kairi to match her Tinkerbell costume and I'm going to decorate her socks too. I can't wait to see her all dressed up! How exciting! Me, Bertito and Susan (maybe I can talk Maureen into it to) are going to wear different Yankees jerseys and be the NY Yankees for Halloween! We'll have fun no matter what!
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