15 Weeks

Here is a picture of my belly at 15 weeks. It kinda looks exactly the same as the picture I put on here when I was 11 weeks. I had my first sonogram yesterday, and they said I am exactly 15 weeks now, which is exactly what I had originally said. During the sonogram, the baby would not stay still for one second. It was really hard for the nurse to be able to property check on everything with it moving around like that. At first the nurse said that she didn't see any boy parts, but then towards the end, she thought she did see them. Needless to say, we still do not know the sex. It was kind of hard to be able to see because not only did the baby have it's legs crossed, but the embilical cord was all wrapped up in there too. Hopefully on the next sonogram when I am 20 weeks, we will be able to see what the sex is. We have a lot of pictures from the sonogram, but until I find out a way to get them onto the computer, they will not be able to be put up here. Another really cool thing was that next time we go in there, we can bring a video tape and they can actually record the whole sonogram. Check back for more updates.
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