It begins...

5 days until I drive to Orlando with my mom. If we don't kill each other on the way there, we'll be good to go. I just have to figure out what is going to fit into the back seat of my car. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and don't appear to be at all. I do throw up every now and then, but that's just because I'm really sensitive to smells and most of the smells are making me sick. Like Zipper's breath and the cat box. Or is it a trace of bulimia? Who knows? My emotions are out of control, but I would like to blame that on not being able to take any of my mood controlling meds anymore. Who will the baby look like? Any chance it will look like me when I was a baby? Yes that is actually me when I was a baby above. What happened, I do not know. I don't think that it's likely to turn out like me, since daddy is so dark. I am going to find out the sex of the baby though, as soon as they can tell. I can't stand people's excuse that they want to be surprised went the baby comes out. That's asinine! Aren't you surprised when the doctor rubs the jelly thing on your belly and says, "IT'S A BOY!!" ??? Stay tuned for more boring posts.
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