It's been a while...

I just realized that I haven't wrote in here in way too long. I've been in training for work for a week. It's been absolute hell waking up at 4 am every morning. I've been lucky to stop temporarily with the throwing up every 10 minutes. I say temporarily because I lasted the first 4 days of the week puke free, and then the last day, I got sick as soon as I got out of bed. So is it over? I guess that has yet to be seen. I just had 2 days off from waking up at an ungodly hour, and I was sick for both of those days. I had my first prenatal appointment today, and they gave me an estimate due date of August 15th, which is my dads birthday! Whatever day he/she decides to come out, we're looking at yet another Leo in the family. Although I certainly think that I look a LOT fatter, I have only gained one pound since finding out I am pregnant. I still have no belly, which is a good thing I guess. I'm about 15 weeks now, so the time to be showing is upon us. I have started to get cravings, and fortunately for Bertito they haven't been too hard to get to. The picture of us above is when we met up with Amy, her mom and Pedro for her mom's birthday dinner at Outback. It was the night before I began training classes SUPER early; which is why I still look happy... hehehe.
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