Cutie Pootie Marootie

Here is Kairi sitting up like a big girl! She's really starting to teeth big time now. I mean, you can tell she's in a lot of pain. Poor thing! I try to keep her occupied, and keep her mind off of it, but sometimes it just doesn't work. I don't remember if I wrote this before or not, but when Kairi went for her 6 month appointment... the doctor said she is in the 75th percentile for height, and 55th percentile for weight. I can't believe how big and gorgeous she is! I'm so blessed to have her, there is nothing better than having a baby!
About my commute to and from work, it takes me anywhere from 30-45 minutes... which I actually really like. This way I'm actually able to use the phone, talk to my friends and family now. When I'm at home, I'm always occupied, but this way with the commute, I'm able to spend that time talking to people! It was so good to talk to you Char after so long! We're going to make this a weekly thing! hehehehe
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