So we were actually able to sign the papers on the house on Friday! Something we thought was not going to happen and we were so nervous about it, and all that praying from all over the country practically, paid off! Praise the Lord! We started painting this weekend. The only part about the house, it's only 2 years old, and has been abandoned practically the whole time, so it's not like things are worn out at all! All the appliances are new and everything... it's just bugs (dead ones, and a couple of dead lizards, ew!) and dust, we really have to work to get all that out. Plus, the walls were never painted any color, they were just left white, so we have to go through and do the whole house, if we want anything other than white, which obviously we do. The good thing, Bertito's brother Juni came over to help paint. He used to paint houses for a living, so he's really good. They got almost the whole house done, which is a LOT of work, it's a lot of walls!!! I cleaned the kitchen while they did that, so we are pretty much ready to move in next weekend. I have a lot of packing to do! And I have to watch Kairi while I'm packing! It's hard work so far. But definitely worth it. The picture above is the living room set that I want to get, (now we have 2 living rooms!) but we can't find it anywhere. They sell it at Ashley, but it was all sold out and discontinued... :( Wasn't it cute though???
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