It begins

The life and times of Julie Vazquez...

Friday, June 23, 2006

30 Week Belly

This is my belly as of yesterday, 30 weeks. Not very big huh? I'm thinking that I'm going to have a cat or something... too small to be a real baby. And I've only got a month and a half to go! Tomorrow is my big baby shower at my mother in laws, I'm so excited! My belly button is popping out like that tester on a turkey. That means I'm almost done cooking! My mom, dad and uncle are down visiting right now. I sent them off to Sea World for the day, but my mom can not believe that I'm still wearing jeans with zippers! I guess I'm having a good pregnancy now, GOOD, that makes up for the first 5 months of constant vomit!!!! Tonight I'm finally going to see Giselle, it's going to be the first time since the wedding! She just graduated law school, I'm so proud of her! Mash, CONGRATS!!!! This means everyone who doesn't want a baby, stay away from rubbing my belly!!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Back to the Tributes...Yary!

Yary, thank you so much for everything. I'm so glad that you were able to come down to Maryland, and bring Cesar; it was good to see you both. Thank you also for bringing Melissa... that was really nice of you! I wish that Eliana would have been able to come, but maybe I'll get to see her some other time. :) I had done a lot of shopping with the gift card, thank you so much for that! Oh yeah, thank you for bringing Mio's gift too! You guys are all so sweet!! I hope to see you again soon. XOXOXOXO

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Look who I met!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

28 weeks (cheerleader)

Here is Kairi, at 28 weeks. During this sonogram, she had her feet and her arms up over her head, a little gymnast in the making! She was completely breached, meaning her head was up in my ribs, but the doctors says she will turn by the time I'm ready to give birth. As you can already see, she has the same exact nose as Bertito! During the last part of the sonogram, she had her mouth wide up with a huge smile and the nurse says to me, "It looks like she's making a cheerleader face." Here it is, one of the many shots of her making the cheerleader face entertaining herself in there. Sounds like she's already picking up my habits... I actually had another appointment today, and the doctor said he already thought that she wasn't breached anymore... So that's good.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tribute to Melissa

Melissa, thank you SO much for coming down even though you had all kinds of obstacles in the way (David). I'm so glad that you got to stay extra time, it was nice to be able to eat with you and talk like old times, and basically pick up right where we left off. I got all the gifts in the mail from you and I can't wait to use the Sex and the City seat... LOL. "I see what you got... Paper". HAHA I hope you are coming to Florida soon, did you find out yet? Next post, I'm going to show my latest sonogram, Kairi was really doing the cheerleader face!!!! She had her mouth wide open and the nurse said, "It looks like she's making a cheerleader face," and I nearly died laughing!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Tribute to Mashel

It was so great to see you again. I love your HAIR!!! I hope you got a lot of belly rubbing in and it was fun to see you and Christine talking so much, MIDDLE SCHOOL REUNION! All the fun stories about four square and the Mayfield Woods playground. LOL. I can't wait to go shopping with the gift cards, I will definately keep you posted on what you get me, haha. It really means a lot to me that you came though, I hope to see you again soon!!