It begins

The life and times of Julie Vazquez...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tribute to Lisa

Pixi, thank you so much for coming to the shower. It was great to see you and be able to laugh together like old times. I'm so glad that you are doing so much better now and moving on in life. Life has really changed for both of us over the last few years. I'm just glad we're both in good places now and HAPPY! I can't wait until you get to see the baby. Just about two more months now. Thank you for the shower gift, I can't wait to go shopping for Pooh stuff!!! Talk to you soon.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tribute to Dyyanna

Thank you Ru for everything! All of the adorable gifts, I can't wait to dress up Kairi in those little booties, and shoes and EVERYTHING! And everything was pink!!! How cute! It was good to see you, and whenever you get a chance to come to Florida, come on down. Thank you also for bringing Jasmine, it was like being back in New York like old times!
We had so much fun talking about the good old days in the Bronx, and all the crazy things we did together... and by the way, I love that picture you posted of the old days in My Space! LOL I hope you had fun and I hope to see you again soon.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Tribute to Christine

Christine, thank you so much for coming to the shower. It was great to see you, and do somewhat of a middle school reunion. I ADORE the gift you gave me and can't wait to dress up Kairi in her little cute outfit with the hat and take pictures to send to you! That was the most creative and original gift ever!!! Thank you again, and I hope to see you again soon. XOXOXO

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Baby Shower

Thank you so much for everyone who came to my shower! It was really great to see all of you and thank you for all of the great gifts. I will post pictures soon, our internet has been not working all that great... super slow! Thank you especially to Yary, Cesar and Melissa for driving all the way down from NY, it really means a lot to me that you guys came down for me! I will have to put some belly pics up soon. Check back for more later.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

23 weeks!

Here is a picture of me yesterday. I'm officially 23 weeks, WOW that's almost six months! Some times in the day, my belly is REALLY big, and other times of the day, it's so small, you can barely tell I'm pregnant. Mostly in the morning, it's small, and when I've been sitting down for a long time. I think it's because Kairi is nice and comfortable and is staying in one spot in the back of my uterus. She kicks me all day at work. It's really fun! I have FINALLY stopped throwing up. What a relief! I have gained a total of 10 pounds and feel great. That Mickey trophy is an award I won for having the top revenue for my entire team!! WOW! Not bad for my first month after training, huh? Starting this month, I will have Fridays and Saturdays off from work which is so exciting for me because now I will be able to actually interact with people on my days off! Bertito has the weekends off, and so does AMY! (who still has to come see my new house by the way) This means I'll be going back to Disney every weekend, although I can't get on any of the rides, it's still going to be fun. Amy, when are you coming to Disney with me on the weekend? I have the free passes so you can bring mom and Pedro!!! See you soon I hope.