I'm coming home!

A little less than a month before I come home for the baby shower! I'm really excited to see my family, my kitties (Zipper!), and especially all of my wonderful friends who are coming to the shower. It really means a lot to me for those of you who are coming. It will be very nice to see some firmiliar faces and feel back at home. People have started holding doors for me and bringing me food at work, which means that I guess I finally LOOK pregnant, that's really exciting. Kairi has been kicking every once in a while, and every time I tell husband to feel, he doesn't feel anything. But this morning, she kicked him really hard! So now he's really excited. We moved into our new place last week and it's so nice to FINALLY have our own house. It's so big and quiet, I don't know what to do with myself half of the time. It was definately worth the wait, and the best part, I'm only like 10 minutes from my job!!!